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Good Sex Won't Make Her Happy

Good sex won’t make her happy.

If you don’t satisfy a woman’s emotional needs, having sex with her can her feel used; not loved.

I mean… Anyone one can have “just sex”.

But that defeats the purpose of what “making love” is when you’re in a relationship. I never understood why people enjoy just taking pure essence out of anyone; pretending that they care about them. Is it really that enjoyable to hurt a woman who’s willing to give you her all? Toying with her emotions and feelings isn’t how you make yourself better… It makes you worse.

Be honest. Be straight up.Tell her what you want. That’s a MAN. If you can’t handle the fact that she doesn’t want you in any physical way… Move on. Find another female who does want you in that way. Trust me… There ARE females out there that just want sex just as bad as you do with NO STRINGS ATTACHED.

Most men think we’re dumb but “easy”. No. We just care too fucking much because we actually LIKE you. Once you take advantage of that and USE it to have sex with with her-Relationship or not- She’ll catch on. She’ll leave. And you’re going to THEN realize that it wasn’t worth it. Therefore, you’ve officially classified yourself as a #Fuckboy.

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